
Stress stomach ache

Bad stomach ache can have a lot of reasons and one of them is something everybody experience more or less; this reason is stress. Stress stomach ache is very common just as other symptoms you get when you feel stress. Your stomach is a sensitive kind of instrument which can indicate if your physical status is well or not. Many people get a feeling in their guts when they get worried and this can develop into a bad stomach ache. Your stomach also lets you know if everything is alright or even very good; if your stomach is working as it's supposed to, you feel well. If you get a tingling feeling in your stomach, you may be in love and then everything is really good! But here we concentrate on conditions thats not too healthy.

Long term stress may, except from bad stomach ache, cause irreparable damages to your inner organs, so you can't just let it be. The stress itself can have different causes. It doesn't have to be the kind of direct stress you may experience at work and/or at home when you have lots of things you've got to do, but not as much time as you'd need. But bad stress stomach ache can also be caused of less obvious stress. If you have too high goals and demands of yourself and feel dissatisfied, you build up an inner psychological stress that will effect you whole body and cause bad stomach ache. Your body can also get physically stressed if you have bad habits when it comes to eating, exercising and taking care of your body in general. You body and stomach needs regularity to work well. When you're stressed, you don't have much time (or think that you don't) to do the things you actually have to do; like eat. You try to do this as fast as possible so you buy fast food. This is not the best for your stomach when you're under pressure and may get bad stomach ache. Acidic food and caffeine are substances you should avoid. When stress stomach ache gets really bad it may become stomach ulcer.

There are things you can do to avoid or reduce the stress and the bad stomach ache that may follow. One thing is that you have to learn to breathe the right way. Many people have a shallow, high breathing that only involves the upper parts of the organs in the chest. On the opposite, deep breathing, like the kind you learn if doing yoga or meditating, can have a great effect on your wellbeing and prevent or relieve bad stomach ache. There are different techniques for deep breathing. The greatest effect you get when you can learn to feel the difference between the shallow breathing and the deeper one that involves your whole abdomen and body. Good habits are the best way to avoid bad stomach ache like stress stomach ache.