
Prevent stomach ache

Prevent stomach ache and you won't have to cure it! That's easier said than done but if you try some of the methods I will mention you'll hopefully find something that works for your specific problems. Some methods to prevent stomach ache are just a small adjustment to your diet, for example, while other include more drastic changes of lifestyle. There is no miracle method to prevent stomach ache but there is much you can do in order to get a lighter pain. Every stomach ache and abdominal pain has its reason even though sometimes not even a doctor can figure out what it is. But if you know what you suffer from and what causes your pain, you might be able to decrease the pain next time it comes or even to prevent the stomach ache completely.

Adjustments in your diet may prevent stomach ache. If you get stomach aches from food but don't know exactly what kind it it that causes it, try to avoid food that's hard for the abdominal system to digest, like meat. Boiled rice and boiled vegetables is a better choice, also soup and eggs. This can help to prevent stomach ache. You would think that a vegetarian diet would prevent stomach ache and that might be true if you also eat healthy; that is, not so much fat. But too much vegetables for a stomach which is not used to this might result in bloating because vegetables and fruit are full of fibers. Fibers are great in adequate quantities to make the stomach working but too much of them may cause problems. Avoid too much fibers to prevent stomach ache. Very spicy food or food with much additives should be avoided if you easily get stomach ache after eating. Make sure that you chew the food well, don't est too quickly and don't overeat. Here are two short lists; one of food and drinks you can try to avoid to eat or drink in too big amounts to prevent stomach ache, and another list is with things do eat and things to do to prevent stomach ache:

Avoid this to prevent stomach ache:
Too much vegetables
Feculent food
Acidic food
Fatty foods
Dried raisins and plums
Milk, dairy products
Spicy food
Food with many additives
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks

Do this to prevent stomach ache:
Eat healthy
Eat vegetables
Reduce the amount of meat
Eat your meals regularly
Eat small meals between the main meals
Drink much water
Sleep well
Don't stress
Eat enough
Eat slow and chew well

You want to prevent stomach ache abroad too: When you are visiting another country the food culture will be more or less different from the one you're used to. Be careful with what you eat and don't drink water from the pipes. Buy bottled water instead to prevent stomach ache. If you're on vacation the travel agency you use will have helpful information about how to avoid getting sick in the new country and if you follow the advice you might prevent stomach ache. Food from other cultures might be a problem even in your homeland since restaurants with for example Asian food is very common. To prevent stomach ache, always choose an air-conditioned restaurant and ask for a mild alternative if you suspect that you might be sensitive. Smoking can also make the stomach upset. Even if you eat healthy you can't eat uncontrolled amounts. Overeating will most surely give you stomach ache. Exercise regularly to prevent stomach ache and to keep not only your abdominal system but all your body systems in good condition. Try to live a calm and harmonious life with a balance between serious and fun and your health will be much better and you prevent stomach aches that are so unnecessary and easy to avoid!